Virtual Technology Review

Virtual technology is a relatively new area of research that offers an array of applications and domains. However, VR has certain limitations and challenges that need to be overcome as it develops and become more mature. These include technological limitations that make users feel uneasy or sick when wearing a VR headset, the unavailability of VR due to the high cost and associated hardware and technical issues like the lack of standardization and compatibility among different devices.

VR can be used to develop by experiencing situations that are difficult or dangerous in real life. For example, a fear of flight or exposure to a frightening situation. This is especially helpful for mental health treatment like PTSD which VR can assist patients to deal with these issues in a safe environment.

VR is also able to improve professional training by enabling athletes to train from anywhere in the world without the need to travel to a specific training facility. This can be particularly helpful in developing perceptual-cognitive skills like spatial and motor abilities.

There is an enormous amount of work to be accomplished in the areas of theory, methodology, and the practice of teaching. Particularly, there is a need to define the ways in which the different technology and immersive features of VR interact with learning outcomes in a variety of professional training contexts. A thorough analysis of the literature on this topic will assist in determining the best strategy for resource allocation by elucidating the features of VR that are crucial for various types of skill training.